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Los Angeles County, CA June 8, 2010 Election
Smart Voter


By Dale Samson

Candidate for Member, Republican Party County Central Committee; County of Los Angeles; Assembly District 43

This information is provided by the candidate
I STAND FOR: Repeal Obamacare -- Much Less Government -- No Undeclared Wars -- Repeal The Patriot Act -- No Bailouts -- The Second Amendment -- No Cap And Trade -- No Bombing Iran -- No Amnesty -- THE CONSTITUTION

Have you noticed that the size and power and income of the federal government keeps getting bigger and bigger? Does this seem like a problem to you? If so, then something needs to change.

Republicans who favor the status quo are called "old-guard Republicans", or "establishment Republicans".

Republicans who think the status quo is not acceptable, and who favor liberty, are called "activist Republicans". They talk about Liberty. They talk about taking back our government.

The "Establishment" is what keeps the government getting bigger and bigger. They do it because it means money and power for them.

So what you need to do is to vote for NON-Establishment Republicans. Sounds easy.

The problem is that the Establishment knows that you don't like them. So they put out lots of candidates who claim to be "outsiders", who claim to favor more liberty and less government.


The traditional Republican Values are: (1) Less Government, (2) Financial Reponsibility, and (3) The U.S. Constitution. These are simple. But they are very good and very right. They sound like empty platitudes because everybody says they are in favor of them.

The problem is that many Republican candidates and many Republican office holders say the right thing, but do the wrong thing.

These people are RINOs -- Republicans In Name Only.

RINOs favor the status quo. The are "old guard Republicans". They work for the Establishment.

And that means they have the Big Money backing them. They favor the status quo because they are very well paid to favor the status quo. It's working just fine for them.

They say the right thing because they want your vote. They don't think you can tell the difference between someone who means it, and someone who is only talk. When they get elected, they do what they are paid to do. That's how politics works -- when the voters are not paying attention. Words and actions are not related! The voters -- that's you! -- need to look at what is done, not just listen to what is said.


It is not the correct solution to vote for the "lesser evil". The "lesser" evil is a RINO, a wolf in sheep's clothing. He may do the right thing on unimportant issues. But on important issues, he will do the wrong thing.

Don't vote just for the big famous money-backed guy who has been splashed all over the media. The fact that he has all this money backing him up means that he is working for the same Establishment that has gotten us into so much trouble. And that means you can be certain you will get more of the same bad decisions. You can be certain that no matter how much he talks about financial responsibility and reducing the size of government, it won't happen, and he'll give you a lot of double talk about how it wasn't his fault.

Therefore the right thing to do is to vote for the candidate with principles.

You need to vote for the candidate with principles -- even if you think he is going to lose.

It's nice to vote for the winner. But that won't do you any good, if the winner is working for the Establishment.

It's nice to vote for somebody who says the right things. But that won't do you any good, if what he does has no connection with what he says.

The candidate with principles is making a huge personal sacrifice against tremendous opposition because he really cares, and he really wants to get America back on track, back operating according to the principles of the Founding Fathers, the principles which made America great. He needs to know that he has your support. He deserves your support.

And if you vote for the candidate with principles, that will send a powerful message to the Establishment that you are not as dumb as they think you are! You need to tell them that you are not being fooled.

The Establishment wants you to believe that it's hopeless. But if you and enough other people do the right thing, and vote for the principled candidate, then the principled candidate can win! Then we really can turn the country around, and return to the principles that made America great.

You are not wasting your vote by voting for the candidate with principles. You are wasting your vote by voting for a RINO. He has no principles, regardless of what he says. He works for his financial backers, not for you. He cannot be trusted to do the right thing.


There is a new mood in the country. Many many American people are fed up with the federal government taking over more and more business -- auto companies, health care, mortgage companies, banks, and so forth. More and more the federal government is telling people what they cannot do and what they must do. People want to rebel, to fight back, to do something about it. This is a great thing. This represents a great opportunity for us, for true Republicans who love their liberty, who love their Constitution, and who think the federal government has gone way out of control.

But the Establishment understands this. What they do is put forward many false leaders who say the right thing, but who are owned and controlled by the Establishment.

The Tea Party movement illustrates these facts. The Tea Party movement was started by Ron Paul's campaign for President in 2008. But the Tea Party movement is not controlled by Ron Paul. It is only a loose association of people who want to fight back against the federal government. The Establishment is working hard to subvert the Tea Party movement by putting forward RINO leaders who present themselves as supporters and leaders of the Tea Party movement, but whose loyalty is to the Establishment.

This means that it is vitally important to distinguish between the true principled Republican who loves liberty, and the front man for the Establishment who works very hard to deceive you into thinking that he has principles and loves liberty.

If you cannot distinguish between the candidate who really has principles, and the candidate who just pretends to have principles, then you might as well give it up, and not bother to vote. You cannot bring about any good result by voting, unless you vote for a candidate who really has principles.

Liberty is what brings about prosperity. This was clearly shown in the two centuries after the creation of America. At this time we are suffering a serious economic crisis. And we are suffering the biggest, most powerful, and most intrusive federal government we have ever had. These two facts are related. Big government destroys liberty, and thereby destroys prosperity. Small government creates liberty, and thereby creates prosperity.

The Declaration of Independence says, "He [the King] has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat out their substance.". Does that sound like the federal government today? Do you know they are creating 12,000 new IRS agents to enforce Obamacare? Here is a link to the Declaration of Independence. You can read it, and see how much you think it applies to the situation we have today --

The signers of the Declaration said, "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.". This is the great courage which created "the land of the free and the home of the brave".

If we want to restore "the land of the free and the home of the brave", then we need to do our best to match the level of courage and dedication shown by the signers of the Declaration of Independence.

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