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Smart Voter
Napa County, CA November 8, 2022 Election
Directory of Napa County, CA Measures
County Results as of Sep 14 8:02pm, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (200/200)
60.8% Countywide Voter Turnout (50,788/83,480)

Click on ballot measure for more detail.

Measure B. School Bond -- Calistoga Joint Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 1,413 / 61.6% Yes votes ...... 882 / 38.4% No votes
   1,279 (61.94%) Yes / 786 (38.06%) No in Napa County
   134 (58.26%) Yes / 96 (41.74%) No in Sonoma County
To improve educational facilities; construct career technical education classrooms and facilities; upgrade classroom technology and improve technology infrastructure, shall the Calistoga Joint Unified School District measure authorizing $41,000,000 in bonds, at legal interest rates, and levying approximately 3.5 cents per $100 of assessed valuation (raising $2,200,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with a board appointed citizens' oversight committee and annual independent audits to assure proper expenditure of funds, be adopted?

Measure J. General Plan Amendment -- City of American Canyon (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 2,810 / 47.88% Yes votes ...... 3,059 / 52.12% No votes
Shall the measure to add 157 acres owned by Green Island Property, LLC to the City of American Canyon Urban Limit Line and amend the General Plan to expand potential city industrial development be adopted?

Measure S. School Bond -- Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Fail: 61 / 49.19% Yes votes ...... 63 / 50.81% No votes
To improve the quality of education; make health, safety and handicapped accessibility improvements; repair or replace leaky roofs; and construct/modernize classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; shall Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $249,600,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $17,700,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately 4¢ per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight committee, NO money for salaries and no money taken by the State?

Measure A1. School Bond -- Napa Valley Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Fail: 18,460 / 54.62% Yes votes ...... 15,339 / 45.38% No votes
To upgrade Napa schools to meet safety/academic standards, fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing/ electrical systems, remove hazardous materials including asbestos/ lead pipes; construct, repair, upgrade, and acquire classrooms, labs, facilities/equipment to support student achievement in science, math, technology, and skilled trades, shall Napa Valley Unified School District School Facilities Improvement District No. 1 (Napa Area)'s measure authorizing $200,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying 2¢/$100 assessed value ($14,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent citizen oversight and all money staying in Napa?

Measure A2. School Bond -- Napa Valley Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 3,943 / 65.68% Yes votes ...... 2,060 / 34.32% No votes
To provide classrooms, facilities and technology to support instruction in math, science/ engineering, fix roofs, plumbing/ electrical systems, construct, repair, upgrade/ acquire classrooms, facilities, equipment, provide labs/equipment for career and technology classes to prepare students for college and in-demand jobs, shall Napa Valley Unified School District School Facilities Improvement District No. 2 (American Canyon Area)'s measure authorizing $25,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying 2¢/$100 assessed value ($2,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent citizen oversight and all money staying in American Canyon?

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Created: September 14, 2024 20:03 PDT
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